Having lived and loved in New York, we are always on the look out for emerging New York fashion brands and beauty products.
Step forward fashion brand, SEA NYC. With an Isabel Marant- esque folksy twist, the clothes are classic and beautifully made. This top in particular caught our eye. Continue Reading

Having Sunday lunch with my other half, Simon and my two children on a day when Simon’s favourite football team – Tottenham Hotspur – are playing, always involves a laptop sitting pride of place at the table.  This Sunday at Porta Gnesta just outside Barcelona, at the new Russian themed pizzeria Madrelievito, was no exception. Watching my husband jump up and down, shouting at his laptop screen as his beloved team score a goal made me smile and also caught the attention of the table next to us.  This family had, like us, moved from London to Barcelona a mere few months ago. Continue Reading

Just as Denim jeans were originally created for men and evolved into being everyday, essential unisex wear, culottes were traditionally knee breeches for gentlemen of the European upper classes from the late Middle Ages to the late nineteenth century, and were also worn as part of the military uniform. Continue Reading

With a jump on my head, the screams of delight signal the arrival of my two morning alarms.  Another day has started.  I peer from beneath my warm and cosy duvet to find two smiling faces peering back at me.

Wincing in the early morning light, I grudgingly pull myself out of bed and get ready to trudge downstairs.  Gleaming back at me through the near darkness is my beacon of luxury in a morning filled with chaos, food throwing, screams and futile attempts to assemble the mob in appropriate attire for the day. Continue Reading

Even moving to Sunny Barcelona doesn’t preclude those dreary, dull and rainy Sunday mornings.  It’s 9:12 am, the kids are already crawling up the walls.  We’ve already been outside, splashed in puddles, changed out of their wet clothes, finished some painting, and I am already wishing away the hours until bedtime. I’m running out of ideas of how to entertain them…and fast. Normally I would surrender my phone and Ipad and feel guilty about allowing them another hour watching television whilst I fester in my guilt! Continue Reading

It’s always good to push yourself in every aspect of your life, preventing yourself from getting stuck in a rut. In work, at home and in fashion. Jeans are one area of fashion, where once we find a shape and style we love, then we stop looking at anything else and stop pushing these denim boundaries.

But why? For one, we are not fans of jean shopping. Wriggling and jiggling into a skinny style with not enough Stretch from the coolest brand in town makes us want to cry! And jeans shopping is a commitment and with kids in tow, the thought of trying on a multitude of styles whilst trying to entertain little ones is tantamount to hell. This Divine Denim section will feature our denim discoveries, and will hopefully take the pain and frustration out of jean shopping. Continue Reading

As I impulsively decided to take all three boys swimming on my own on Mothers day on Sunday morning, it dawned on me as Cbeebies was blasting out in the background, that the only swimsuit I had was a Zoggs maternity one, and that all my other swimwear consists of bikinis. The Zoggs swimsuit served me well throughout my three pregnancies. Here it is: Continue Reading

If you had told me that there was a hardback book that through some origami miracle converts from a book into a playmate into a spaceship, I wouldn’t have believed you. Well, non believers, here it is. It’s a clever concept,a great book and is hardback, so even with three strong boys, after one year, by another miracle, is still intact and going strong. A true favourite in our household, I can’t recommend it highly enough. There’s also princess carriages and other great ideas. Continue Reading