What we were able to wear pre children compared to what we would and could wear post monsters has changed. That little black dress is a staple of any wardrobe. Embracing our new shape post kids, we have both tried and sampled many looks and styles to find what works for our body shape and confidence. So, instead of the boob job, we’ve opted for dresses that conceal what we feel to be our insecurities and play on our strengths.  Continue Reading

The great thing about living somewhere new, is that there is so much yet to discover… especially when the internal sense of adventure is burning strong.

Now we live so close to an amazing beach, and with the beauty of the Spanish seaside landscape all around, it is easy to become complacent and not venture out on the weekends.  However this time, we decided to try something different and re-harness the spirit of exploration that brought us here in the first place. Continue Reading

On the spur of the moment (a mad moment in hindsight) both Jess and I decided to participate in the Tough Mudder race.  Our dear friend Shona @themodeladvocate asked if we would like to participate to help support her cause.  Not thinking much of it, we agreed, and subsequently firmly pushed the decision to the back of our minds.  That is, until we decided to look the race up, only to discover the true extent of the gruelling, self-flagellating, mud-fest we had actually signed up for!
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Those long sultry Ibiza summer nights dancing the night away in Erick Morillo’s DJ box with the man himself are occurrences firmly relegated to the past, now that we are knee deep in nappies and puree.

With the kids in tow, the closest we have come to a sniff of the trendy Ibizan nightclubs is in Ibiza Airport duty free on the way home. Here they sell all kinds of cutting edge branded nightclub wear from clubs and DJs we haven’t even heard of. Determined not to let this put us off feeling cutting edge, if we can’t go clubbing, then we will take the clubs with us. Even better, we will take them to bed with us. Continue Reading

A casting for a Marks and Spencer Tv commercial doesn’t happen often.  This iconic British Brand is highly regarded and so to work with them has kudos in the fashion industry.  So, when my agency emailed me the details for the casting whilst I was making the kids their supper, I was definitely excited as I took the fishfingers out of the oven. Then I read the brief of what the casting director wanted the girls to wear. “Please wear a floaty and floral dress.” Continue Reading

I have tried them all.

The expensive ones, the cheap ones, the ones made out of gold and caviar with collagen hand blended by unicorns. None even come close to this yellowing nugget of lip calming, pungent smelling, sticky goodness. Continue Reading

I longingly look at my wardrobe full of fantastic finds I have accrued over the years of living in different countries and given to me from shoots, trying to find events, outings, evenings out… anything, where I can dust off the Joseph or Celine pieces I have stashed away from my past life pre-children, desperately trying to squeeze them into my new life.  After all what’s the point of keeping them for a special occasion when a special these days is a play date in soft play?! Continue Reading

False eyelashes are not something new….From the fledgling days of the 1930’s, where stunning examples were championed by the ever-glamourous Seena Williams on the silver screen; to the more daring 50’s femininity emulated by the likes of Elizabeth Taylor – fake eyelashes have always been a symbol of female empowerment.

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Nipple cream is something I thought I had happily left behind in those hazy newborn days of breastfeeding, cabbage and sleep deprivation. Not so it seems. Whilst on a photoshoot with severely chapped lips ( no surprise there as I spend half my days freezing in playgrounds and fields) make up artist extraordinaire, Sarah Reygate, @sarahreygate, applied some Dr Lipps Nipple cream to my lips and the difference was astonishing. Continue Reading