Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

We would like to be organised and manage to complete all our Christmas shopping by, say, September, but life always seems to get in the way, so we are always scrabbling around like lunatics a few days before Christmas.  Well, don’t despair, fellow last minute mamas, here at NotSuchAModelMum, we have come up with a last … Continue Reading

Pleats and Prints Please

The blog world has been awash with this season’s must-try pleated midi skirt.  The midi length is a three quarter length skirt, that even at the best of times is notoriously difficult to style.   Add on some pleats and it becomes a challenge!  Let it be known that I have tried and failed abysmally in … Continue Reading

Leopard Print Mama

We have always loved good old Marks and Spencer.  Not just for underwear and food, but also for the cashmere and knitwear.  Now we love it for its cool dresses as well.  In all honesty,  ‘M&S’ is not the first shop I think about when on the search for a dress,  but it has come up trumps on … Continue Reading

Suits you, Sir.

If like me, your life does not conform to an everyday office routine – then wearing an off beat version of the power suit can have its benefits.  A good suit is perfect for those mornings when you stare longingly at your wardrobe with absolutely no idea what to wear, and need to get dressed in … Continue Reading

She wore Blue Velvet… to a soft play

The catwalks have been awash with velvet- velvet blouses; velvet shoes; velvet jackets- the list goes on.  This trend harks back to the late nineties where every teenage girl rocked crushed velvet dresses and scrunchies, and genuinely thought that they were the epitome of glamour… or maybe that was just me and my sister!  Anyway…

Wrinkle Secrets

Whilst having my make up done for a photo shoot, I began chatting to the make up artist about skincare and skincare routines.  If I manage to brush my teeth before face planting into my bed at 7:30pm, I am happy – so my night time skincare routine is equally unorthodox.  Simply put, I don’t … Continue Reading

Stop, Listen and Collaborate

As much as we like to pretend to deny it, we love a scroll of Daily for the celebrity gossip and photos.  When it pops up that the latest celebrity to fall out of the Big Brother house has collaborated on a clothing line, our hearts sink. Surely, there is only so much flammable … Continue Reading

Jump into November

As soon as the first of November arrived,  there was a not so subtle shift in the weather.  I opened my front door, and got smacked in the face by a blast of Arctic cold.  This means that we can now pull out our jumpers and start to nest until Christmas.  Nothing says crisp November … Continue Reading

Sally Kindberg, Children’s Book Author & Illustrator Extraordinaire!

I am sure that we all have a “Comic Strip History of Space” or the “Comic Strip Big Fat Book of Knowledge” at home that we read to the kids, or we’ve drawn with our kids in her brilliant “Draw It” series of books, published by Bloomsbury. The wonderfully funny and informative illustrations in these books … Continue Reading

So Wrong, It’s Right

A deep fried Mars bar is a throwback to my Edinburgh University student days, and it was one of my favourite late night (ahem, 3am chip shop queue) treats in that wonderful city.  A deep fried Mars bar sounds so unappetising and so wrong, but in reality in all its oozy, chocolatey joy – it is … Continue Reading