Tired Mum Tips

Getting out the door with the three kids in tow is no mean feat.  Feeling smug that I have managed to get all three boys up and out the door by 8am, I skip out the door and glance quickly in the mirror as I leave. Oh God.  The boys may be all sprightly and … Continue Reading

A Bit of Lip Love

It is going to be an exciting year for me with the arrival of my third baby, and all the craziness that comes with a newborn.  In the meantime, however, I am getting used to my rather large baby bump, and investing heavily in things that make me feel good.  At the moment, that seems … Continue Reading

An Interview with a SuperMum

One of the biggest joys of working on NotSuchAModelMum is not only discovering brilliant brands that have been set up by mums,  but also meeting those ‘supermums’ behind the businesses.  We have always dressed our kids in Sunuva Swimwear, as we love both the cool designs and the UV protection in them, and, now, thanks … Continue Reading